I wont lie, some days being a mom is the hardest job in the whole world and I am ready to ship them to bed at 6pm. Between the fighting, screaming, crying and whining I get so overwhelmed that I just am ready for the silence of sleeping children. More often then not. But tonight was one of those nights that I look at my kids and realize just how lucky I am to be their mom. Tonight I watched them write their letters to Santa and make birthday cards for Jesus, and my heart just swelled because of how excited they were to make a simple birthday card.
(I wrote the Happy Birthday for Caden on the blue card) |
At one point Madison asked me what color Jesus' eyes were, I told her I didn't know. But Caden jumped up excitedly and said I'm going to go get the book! So I asked him what book he was talking about, and he says very mater- of- factly " Uh the Bible mommy, that will tell us what color Jesus' eyes are?" My heart melted. To see my son at 3, reference the bible just amazes me. I caught Madison one time in the kitchen swaying with her hands in the air and her eyes closed, and when I asked what she was doing she told me she was praising God. Seeing my baby in all of her innocence praising our loving Father is just one of those moments that I hold in my heart. To have the Faith of a child is something I long for, and to see my children being instilled with this is amazing. These are the times thank I thank God for.

Anyway, after we made our cards, I laid Alanna down for bed and made hot chocolate for the kids. We popped popcorn and sat with just the tree lit and watched The Santa Claus. Snuggling up on the couch with them, not crying, not fighting, not complaining, it was wonderful! Last night we baked a
ton of cookies (for us at least) and aside from the fighting between Madison and Caden, the kids had a blast using the cookie cutters and mixing the batter. We made chocolate chip, snicker doodles, peanut butter, confetti , and sugar cookies. All the the containers were full to the top as of last night. I wont mention any names of who might have ate half of the container (ahem Leo) but like I said I wont mention any names . I am hoping to make this a new Christmas tradition to share with the kids and bake cookies every year. I think about growing up and all of our family traditions and I think it will be so much fun to start some of our own this year. I think we are going to read the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve and maybe sing happy birthday to him. I am trying make everyday Christmasy around here by watching movies, and playing Christmas music, I guess you could say I am pumping myself up for the holiday. We are finishing up all of the shopping this weekend and then hopefully I will be able to relax and enjoy the rest of the days leading up to Christmas.
and here is our Christmas tree for good measure :) |
"Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his miracles." 1 Chronicles 16:8-9
I've never baked Christmas cookies with my kids. Isn't that sad? Maybe next year! Yours look super yummy, by the way!
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