I saw something about a 30 blog challenge and thought...
oh this would be fun. I even started the 1 st entry and then realized what I was getting into and deleted it. As the days went on it was asking some very personal things, that I do not wish to share so I found a different one...something fun and upbeat! :)
So here goes:
Day 1: Share a recent photo and fifteen facts
Fifteen Facts About Me That You Don't Already Know
1. I hate wearing jeans and I change into sweat pants of pj's as soon as I come home.
2. I am scared of heights and tight spaces
3. I don't really like chocolate unless it's dark chocolate and even then I can only eat a little bit.
4. My favorite food in the whole world is Pizza.
5. The one place I would love to go is to Italy.
6. When I was young I had a serious obsession with pigs.
7. My passion is dancing and I danced for 21 years and gave it up after I had Caden, but now I just started again.
8. I have a hard time listing things about myself.
9. I hate mess, even though my house is always a mess!
10. I love Glee and crime shows like Law & Order SVU & Blue bloods.
11. I love to eat bake cookies
12. I love to write, even if my grammar isn't perfect.
13. I love to read but I can't name my favorite book because I have so many
14. My favorite movie of all time is Dirty Dancing. I love love love it. Especially the end where the ever so handsome Patrick Swazye wrinkles up his nose. *sigh*
15. I am madly in love with my husband and I consider myself lucky every single day!