At this time 7 years ago I was in labor impatiently awaiting the arrival of the brightest, craziest, sweetest diva there is! It was the moment my whole life changed....I became a mom! I can't believe that my baby is already 7 years old! Where have the years gone. On Oct 7, 2004 we welcome Madison Leigh born at 11:07am weighing 7lbs 7oz. I guess 7 must be her lucky number :)

Last year I wrote about her birth story, which I wont bore you with again but you can read that post
here :) This post I will just tell you about her. Let's see....Madison has always been ahead in everything. She walked at 9mths and was talking sentences at 15 mths. She is very bright and loves school and reading. She will spend hours reading books. She is doing so well in school that her teacher has moved her up to 3rd grade work for reading. I have to say I am soooo proud of her.
Maddie is also very creative, and excels in anything she takes interest in. I mean of course I am always bias because she is my baby. She loves dancing.She takes ballet and tap and loves it but even more so she loves to just be silly and dance around the house. She loves singing and although she is shy to sing in front of people, once she warms up, you can't get her to stop! This girl is constantly singing around the house and if you turn on the camera forget it, it's totally 'The Madison Show!' She is quite the little diva and a serious drama queen....I can't imagine where she gets that from. I have to say she may have an acting career in her future, or maybe a doctor, or a teacher. Whatever she decides I will always be the luckiest mom in the whole world because I get to call her mine :)
My whole life changed the minute I held you in my arms for the very first time. It was the moment I became a mom, and even more then that...your mom. I was filled with so much love in that moment and I am so lucky to be your mommy and I am so proud of you. You are beautiful and funny and silly and I love every moment that I get to share with you. You are such an amazing little girl. I have been so blessed and I thank God every day that he chose me to be your mommy! I love you more then words can say and I hope you have a great birthday!
Love always,
Of course I must share some "over the years pics":
1 year old |
2 years old |
3 years old
4 years old with Caden
5 years old
6 years old |
Now |
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