October is my favorite month! I love everything about it!!
My reasons for October love:
*Pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins!*

*Caramel Apples*

*The leaves change to beautiful colors*

* Ravens Football (and for those of you who know me personally, know that this is a new like!)*

*Hot Coffee on a cold day*

*Hay rides & pumpkin farms*

* Sweatshirts & Jeans*

* The crisp clean air*

* Cuddling up in a blanket watching the Fall line up on TV or reading a book*

Fall is amazing and beautiful and serene. It is also the beginning of winter, the start of the holidays. I love this season and I can't believe we are already half way through October !

Slow down October and take your time, I'm not ready for winter just yet!

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