The time has come for my sweet little baby to start school. That's right my youngest, my little one, the baby of the family, has started Elementary school. I know, I'm in disbelief too. We have what's called a gradual entrance program. The Pre-K goes for an hour with a parent, the next day they go and hour alone, and then they start their normal schedule. So today was her first day with a parent. While I was getting her ready, Alanna told me she was so excited to go to "big kid school" all by herself. I had to burst her bubble and tell her that I was staying with her today, and she immediately followed with a noooooooooooooooooooooo. I couldn't believe that she didn't want me to stay with her. When did my 4 year old become so independent?
Now granted, she has always been pretty independent but not so much that she didn't want me around at all. When we were walking into the school she said "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I tried to stifle my laugh and asked her what she meant, she replied "You know...holding my hand while we walk into the school." I couldn't hold it back anymore, and I couldn't help but laugh. My sweet, little sassy 4 year old didn't want me to hold her hand in front of her new friends. I thought I had at least 5 or 6 more years before we hit that faze. Needless to say I think Miss Alanna is going to give her teacher a run for her money. She's pretty witty and asked her teacher at least 20 questions in the first 10 mins of class. I have a feeling that I might be at school quite a bit this year.
A little after the first day of school lunch at Chick Fil A |
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