I usually write about each one of my children on their birthday. However, this weekend has been crazy! We move in less then 2 days in to our very own home! That's right we are going to be homeowners! I am so excited, so stressed ,and so overwhelmed! Anyway, I will write all about it tomorrow, this post is all about little Miss Alanna! :) I can't believe she is

When I found out I was pregnant I was so excited. Leo had been joking around for weeks saying that I was, and I warned him that if he didn't stop then he's in for a surprise. haha and Sure enough October 21st I took a test and it came back positive. Leo thought I was joking to get back at him but when I showed him the test he just stared. Then we started laughing. I guess the surprise of it all and we were filled with so many emotions. We were nervous, and so excited. My whole pregnancy was pretty easy, minus the fact that I was HUGE and miserable at the end. We had a very hard time coming up with a name once we found out she was a girl. We had a boy name already but we couldn't decide on a girl. At first we decided on Brooklynn, but then decided against it. We chose her name while driving up to PA one afternoon. I'm not sure why but the name Alanna popped into my head so I asked Leo what he thought of it and he liked it so there it was. We chose Robin to honor his aunt who passed away a few years before. She lived with down syndrome. I never had the pleasure of meeting her but I've heard many stories of her and I think when Alanna grows up she will be proud to have her namesake. For our baby shower his other aunt gave Alanna , Robin's favorite doll, along with a note of memories for her to keep. We put it up for when she gets older, and Leo can share all of his memories with her. It will be nice for her to know a little about who she is named after.

I was awake the entire night before. I was exhausted but anxious. We made our way to the hospital at nine but didn't get prepped until about twelve. Alanna Robin made her entrance into the world June 12, 2009 and she was 7lbs 4 oz. The smallest of the three. All three was born exactly one week early and all on a Friday! Alanna came out with strawberry blonde hair. All of the nurses commented about it because she was the only baby with blonde hair in the nursery. She was beautiful! I was so in love the moment I saw her. We were released to go home on the Monday but as it turns out, just like with Madison I developed Eclampsia and had to be admitted just two days later. I was in for another three days before I was able to be home with my babies. It was terrible, and I was so glad to be home.I just can't believe that was already two years ago! Where did the time go?

Alanna is now so active! She didn't walk until she was 16 months old but boy is she making up for it now. She is such a diva too! Everything has to be her way or no way and loves to be center of attention. I will say she is the friendliest little girl I have ever seen. She speaks to everyone wherever we go. It doesn't matter who it is she says "Hi" and blows kisses. She cracks me up because she is so silly all of the time but she is so lovable and has daddy wrapped around her little finger :) We are so blessed to have her in our lives!
Happy Birthday sweet baby girl! I can't believe you are already TWO YEARS OLD! We are so blessed to have you in our lives and I thank God every day He chose us to be your parents! We love you more then anything in the world!
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